Antz is a 1998 American animated adventure comedy film produced by DreamWorks Pictures, DreamWorks Animation, and Pacific Data Images, and distributed by the former via …
Antz: Directed by Eric Darnell, Tim Johnson, Lawrence Guterman. With Woody Allen, Dan Aykroyd, Anne Bancroft, Jane Curtin. A rather neurotic ant tries to break from his totalitarian …
With a superstar cast including Sharon Stone, Gene Hackman, Sylvester Stallone and Woody Allen, everyone will dig this spectacular comedy adventure. A small worker ant named Z …
No picnic will ever be the same when DreamWorks Animation presents the romantic comedy adventure, Antz. Z is just a worker ant - one in a billion and his odds of landing the beautiful …
Loosely based on the novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, the setting for the story is an ant colony in Central Park in New York City, over the span of four days.