SteamOS is here
SteamOS is a public release of our Linux-based operating system. The base system draws from Debian 8, code named Debian Jessie. Our work builds on top of the solid Debian core and optimizes it for a living room experience.
Installing and Customizing SteamOS
SteamOS is our Linux-based operating system. The base system draws from Debian 8, code named Debian Jessie. Our work builds on top of the solid Debian core and optimizes it for a living room experience.
Download SteamOS: Steam Deck Image
The primary user interface of SteamOS as well as functionality to interact with Valve's content and services is provided by a package called the Steam Client. The Steam Client is the copyrighted work of Valve Corporation ("Valve") or its suppliers.
We've already selected OEMs to work with for the initial launch of Steam Machines so we won't be issuing new licenses in the near term. Eventually we plan to expand the Steam Machine program to work with a larger group of OEMs, until then, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].
Instalando y personalizando SteamOS
Descomprime el archivo SteamOS.zip a una memoria USB vacía y con formato FAT32. Asegúrate de utilizar una partición MBR. Introduce la memoria USB en el equipo elegido.
Steam Deck - SteamOS 3.6.19 Stable Release - Steam News
SteamOS 3.6.19 has been released to the Stable channel for Deck with the following changes: General Updated to a more recent Arch Linux base, and updated Linux kernel to version 6.5 These updates improve hardware compatibility, system performance, security, and overall system stability Improved speed of subsequent OS updates Improved ...
Steam News - SteamOS expands beyond Steam Deck - Steam News
The Legion Go S - Powered by SteamOS is the first officially licensed third-party handheld powered by SteamOS
Installation et personnalisation de SteamOS
Décompressez le fichier SteamOS.zip sur une clé USB vierge, formatée en FAT32. Assurez-vous d'utiliser une partition MBR. Insérez la clé USB dans la machine cible.
SteamOS installieren und anpassen
SteamOS ist unser Linux-basiertes Betriebssystem. Als Basis dient Debian 8 (Codename Jessie). Unsere Arbeit setzt auf dem stabilen Kern von Debian auf und optimiert ihn für ein Wohnzimmererlebnis.
Steam Deck - SteamOS 3.6.9 Beta: Megafixer - Steam News
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