In bitter cold, rescuers race against time to tackle aftermath of Xizang quake: Battling biting cold, rescuers raced against time to search for survivors and speed up the resettlement of affected …
Breakthrough in world's longest expressway tunnel marks leap in Xinjiang's infrastructure: The Tianshan Shengli Tunnel, the world's longest expressway tunnel, completed tunneling on the …
At 5,000-year-old Liangzhu, mutual learning reinforces appreciation among civilizations: As a swarm of visitors was closely following their guide at a museum featuring rice-cultivating …
China's 30-year journey to becoming powerhouse in international patents: Since joining the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) in 1994, China has grown into a global leader in innovation, with the …
Xi urges Hubei to write its own chapter in Chinese modernization: Chinese President Xi Jinping has urged central China's Hubei Province to forge ahead with the high-quality development of …
Technical colleges offer youngsters more options to realize their potential: Vocational education empowers youth at Yancheng Technician College, combining technical training, industry …