ARDMS | American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography
ARDMS is an independent, not-for-profit organization that administers examinations and awards to qualified ultrasound professionals.
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Welcome to the secure section of ARDMS.org. Applying online? Login to begin your application process. If you do not have a MY ARDMS account, click on the "New User Registration" link to create an account.
Status Verification - ARDMS
Status Verification. Verify the status of an employee or other persons using the ARDMS status verification directory below. If you are looking to verify a current, expired, or sanctioned ARDMS credential or for information on a pending ARDMS credential verification, please scroll down the page for links to those specific lists.
ARDMS Study Guide | Prep for Diagnostic Ultrasound Examination
Prerequisite Prep Tool. To earn an ARDMS credential, Applicants must choose and meet the requirements of a prerequisite. Review the Prerequisite Prep tool to help guide you through the prerequisite selection process and to select a prerequisite that best meets your education and clinical ultrasound experience.. Re-Applicant – A re-applicant is a Candidate or Registrant who …
ARDMS Credentials | Ultrasound Exams & Prerequisites
Get Certified. Prerequisite Prep Tool To earn an ARDMS credential, Applicants must choose and meet the requirements of a prerequisite. Review the Prerequisite Prep tool to help guide you through the prerequisite selection process and to select a prerequisite that best meets your education and clinical ultrasound experience. Note: Re-Applicant – A re-applicant is a …
Status Verification - ARDMS
ABVM Vascular Medicine Certification : ABVM Endovascular Medicine Certification
RDMS Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer | ARDMS
Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer® (RDMS®) You can now take the Abdomen, OB/GYN, Fetal Echocardiography, and Pediatric Sonography exams online.
Sonography Students | ARDMS Resources & Applications
Sonography Student Tips A re you considering becoming a sonography student, and are weighing sonography career pros and cons? Below you will find important sonography career information and how ARDMS credentials can help you to pursue a career in sonography.
ARDMS Abdomen Exam | Abdominal Sonography Certification
ARDMS functions under policies intended to demonstrate impartiality, high ethical standards, and validity of its certification assessments. ARDMS does not restrict Applicants, Candidates, or becoming a Registrant based on limiting conditions, such as membership of an association or professional society of any organization.