Filtration Products | Life Science Research | Merck Millipore
Trust Merck membrane filtration devices for the collection and preparation of samples, mobile phases, and buffers to obtain the highest quality results from downstream analysis.
MF-Millipore™ Membrane Filter, 0.45 µm pore size | HAWP04700 - Merck
MF-Millipore™ Membrane Filter, 0.45 µm pore size 47 mm diameter, mixed cellulose esters (MCE) membrane, hydrophilic, white, 100 discs - Find MSDS or SDS, a COA, data sheets and more information.
MF-Millipore™ Membrane Filters - Filter Discs and Membranes - Merck
Biologically inert mixtures of cellulose acetate and cellulose nitrate have made MF-Millipore membrane filters one of the most widely used membranes in analytical and research applications.
MCE Membrane Filter, 0.22 μm Pore Size - MilliporeSigma
Instructions for Use: Sterilizing filtration of a liquid through a membrane with a 0.2 μm (or smaller) pore size effectively removes biological contaminants, including bacteria, mold and yeast.
MCE Membrane Filter, 0.45 μm Pore Size - MilliporeSigma
Instructions for Use: Sterilizing filtration of a liquid through a membrane with a 0.2 μm (or smaller) pore size effectively removes biological contaminants, including bacteria, mold and yeast.
Merck Omnipore Membrane Filters, 0.45 m - Filters and …
Hydrophilic PTFE polymer membrane filter compatible with virtually all solvents, acids, and alkaline solutions. Omnipore™ Membrane Filters are biologically and chemically inert. Brand: Merck JHWP01300
Antibacterial filter - Sterivex™ - Merck - membrane / for liquids ...
Filter-sterilize volumes up to 1,000 mL or 2,000 mL, using Sterivex™ pressure-driven filter units (capacity depends on the type of membrane used in the device). With three different membrane options and a variety of outlet connection options, Sterivex™ filters can fit virtually any workflow and dispense into nearly any storage container.
Antibacterial filter - In-Line Millex® - Merck - membrane / blood ...
Millex filter units with hydrophobic Fluoropore membrane are ideal for sterilizing gases, venting sterile containers, and sterilizing or clarifying organic solutions. Specialized filter units protect hemodialysis transducers from blood and moisture. 50 mm Millex filter units are also used for vacuum line protection.
Durapore® Membrane Filters - Filter Discs and Membranes - Merck
Durapore ® membranes provide high flow rates and throughput, low extractables and broad chemical compatibility. Hydrophlic Durapore® membrane binds far less protein than nylon, nitrocellulose, or PTFE membranes.
Filter Membranes - MilliporeSigma
Properties of membrane filters vary widely with differences in composition, surface treatments, and pore size. Selecting the ideal filter requires an understanding of basic characteristics. We offer an extensive collection of Millipore ® and Whatman™ membranes for …