2019 - Garden of Luma
by Joseph Luma - 0 Comments. Can I Grow Bananas in Hot Climates like Arizona. If you’ve ever been fortunate enough to vacay or even live in a tropical place, one of the things you’re sure to …
Featured Gardener from England - Garden of Luma
Today's featured Gardener is with The Chatty Gardener, selected images taken from her garden. Where do you garden? I garden on the outskirts of Cheltenham in the Cotswolds, England. …
Featured Gardener from New Zealand - Garden of Luma
Today's featured Gardener is with Living of the Land with Maggie Lil, selected images taken from her garden. Where do you garden? Marlborough, New Zealand Why did you start gardening? I …
Featured Gardener from Central Florida - Garden of Luma
Today's featured Gardener is with My Little Green Garden, selected images taken from her garden. Where do you garden? Central Florida, Zone 9b. The climate is hot and humid, but we …
10 Amazing Gardening Projects for Kids to Try Today - Garden of …
Photo Guide. Gardeners love to take photos of the beauty in their garden. Photography can provide a fun opportunity for kids in the garden. Kids could create a photo album either on a …
Does Gardening Keep You Fit? - Garden of Luma
I’ve seen many claims that gardening is great for exercise. There are things that you’re doing in the garden that can be viewed as physical fitness like stooping, bending, raking, squatting, …
Garden of Luma
The post How to Properly Care for a Mail Order Plant or Tree appeared first on Garden of Luma. How to Properly Care for a Mail Order Plant or Tree It’s common knowledge that fruit trees …
Garden Coaching Services - Garden of Luma
Are you wanting to start a garden and have no idea where to begin? Maybe you've tried and have had limited success? Growing fruits and vegetables in our desert climate can present many …
Garden Living - Garden of Luma
Driving through a typical suburban neighborhood comes nicely manicured front yards bursting with grass, or here in Phoenix, rock. You’ll often see a tree or a few shrubs or some other …
guava tree - Garden of Luma
There are several types of guava varieties like Feijoa’s (Pineapple Guava), Cattley Guavas (Lemon or Strawberry), and Tropical Guava’s (White, Pink, Red).