Homepage - Kirsten Gillibrand | U.S. Senator for New York
Kirsten Gillibrand is a lifelong New Yorker dedicated to fighting for middle-class families in the United States Senate. She’s supporting our men and women in uniform, creating safer …
About - Kirsten Gillibrand | U.S. Senator for New York
After being first elected to the House of Representatives, Kirsten became the first member of Congress ever to post a daily report listing her official meetings, earmark requests, and …
Priorities - Kirsten Gillibrand | U.S. Senator for New York
Senator Gillibrand believes we can fight the climate crisis, protect access to clean air and clean water, and create a brighter future for New Yorkers. That’s why she helped pass the biggest …
Contact - Kirsten Gillibrand | U.S. Senator for New York
Email Kirsten. Get Help. Office Locations. WASHINGTON D.C. 478 Russell Washington, DC 20510. Tel. (202) 224-4451 Fax (202) 228-4977. Get Directions. Albany. Leo W. O’Brien …
Email Kirsten - Kirsten Gillibrand | U.S. Senator for New York
Email Kirsten. Have any thoughts or concerns, or want to share your story? Send a note to my office and tell us what you care about. If you are a New Yorker looking for specific help with a …
Press Releases - Kirsten Gillibrand | U.S. Senator for New York
3 days ago · Today, U.S. Senators Kirsten Gillibrand, ranking member of the Senate Aging Committee, and Ron Wyden, ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee, led a group …
Senator Gillibrand Calls For Humanitarian Aid To Address …
Oct 19, 2023 · U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and Senate Committee on Intelligence, is calling on the Biden administration to contribute to …
Help - Kirsten Gillibrand | U.S. Senator for New York
Help with Federal Agencies. Internships. Academy Nomination
Acerca de Kirsten - Kirsten Gillibrand | U.S. Senator for New York
La Senadora Kirsten Gillibrand creció en el norte del estado de Nueva York en una familia comprometida al servicio público. Su abuela trabajó en la Legislatura del Estado de Nueva …
D i d y ou, y our s p ous e , or d e p e n d e n t c h i l d ow n a n y a s s e t t h a t h a d a v a l u e of m or e t h a n $ 1 , 0 0 0 or g e n e r a t e d i n c om e of m or e t h a n $ 2 0 0 ? Ye s. 5/9/24, …