A lot of apps are missing from "My Library" with 10.0.14393.5,, is it ...
Oct 21, 2016 · Hello, After using 10586 builds I upgraded my 640 to 10.0.14393.5. After the upgrade I did a full hard reset, but not I can't see a lot of my apps for re-install under "My …
Is 4GB enough? How many apps can you have? | Windows Central
Dec 5, 2012 · Yes, you add up the app size, but many apps also download data (news, TV Show app, etc) and will actually take up much much more memory than their original size. For …
will live tiles ever update more frequently than every 30 minutes?
Apr 18, 2013 · 2. You need a server that you pay for it monthly to do this so no crappy add supported app will ever do that. Even a paid app won't do that because the cost are monthly …
What are your top 10 apps? | Page 7 | Windows Central
Jan 6, 2011 · The best app I've found recently, that give me so much functions I just missed and never understood why it isn't in the native music player: Find My Music Also the first time I …
Are there downsides to installing apps on SD card?
Apr 19, 2016 · I have 32 gigs on my lumia 950xl and with all my apps/games installed i still have plenty of room. And the reason is I put my pictures/movies on the sd card. App updates could …
Is Bing search in Edge partly broken? | Windows Central
Mar 5, 2016 · For the past few weeks I've noticed that every time I do a search on Edge, either via the quick search bar or the main toolbar and click on any of the...
The Complete Guide: Upgrading the Samsung Ativ SE to Windows …
Oct 6, 2016 · Also note, if you go to Redstone, Microsoft also integrated Windows Insider into Win10 Mobile. This is not present in Threshold and has only been present in the last few or so …
The Weather Channel app quit working | Windows Central
Jun 20, 2013 · The desktop app was set to start automatically so I believe as it was updating the weather the computer work awful. I tried everything to solve this such as eliminating add-ons …
[FREE][APP] Modern/Fluent Notepad for Windows 10
Jun 26, 2019 · I have waited for a modern fluent windows Notepad app for a long time. Don't get me wrong, vs code, atom, notepad++ are good editors but they are a bit too heavy for me. I …
I think Windows 12 is indeed coming this fall -- Here's Why
Feb 21, 2025 · Firstly, last year Microsoft presented the Windows 365 Link, a small computer which runs a very unique OS called Windows WNC. This new OS features an UX design that …