WDI - The World by Income and Region
Apr 21, 2018 · Prior to FY19, the income category of a country was not one of the factors which influenced lending decisions. Starting in FY19, there will be surcharges in IBRD loan pricing …
WDI - Classifying countries by income - World Bank
Jul 1, 2019 · Just since 2003, the number of low-income countries has nearly halved, declining from 66 to 31 in 2019. The number of high-income countries is currently 80, up from less than …
Trends in Solid Waste Management - World Bank
Lower-income countries generally rely on open dumping; 93 percent of waste is dumped in low-income countries and only 2 percent in high-income countries. Three regions openly dump …
Only 1 in 10 refugees is hosted by high income countries
Aug 13, 2018 · While many refugees travel to Europe and beyond, 9 in 10 refugees are hosted by low- and middle-income countries. Countries adjacent to conflict absorbed the most, with …
Learning poverty: children's education in crisis - The Atlas of ...
Oct 15, 2019 · Over the past 50 years primary school enrollment has been nearly universal in high-income countries. While low- and middle-income countries lagged far behind in 1970, …
French Polynesia High income Guam High income Hong Kong SAR, China High income Indonesia Lower middle income Japan High income Kiribati Lower middle income Korea, Dem. …
Data | The World Bank
However, most countries show weak decoupling or intensified coupling. With weak decoupling, degradation may decline, but at a slower rate than economic growth (blue area in figure 8f). …
Global Consumption Database | The World Bank
The Global Consumption Database is a one-stop source of data on household consumption patterns in developing countries. It is designed to serve a wide range of users—from …
Data | The World Bank
The world by income, FY2017 Classified according to World Bank estimates of 2015 GNI per capita (current US dollar, Atlas method) Note: The World Bank classifies economies as low …
Quality education | SDG 4: Quality education - Atlas of Sustainable ...
Low income countries, on the other hand, have high learning poverty rates. All low or lower middle income countries have learning poverty rates of 10 percent or higher. In 20 of 29 low-income …