Is David Jerimiah a Calvinist? - Baptist Christian Forums
Jan 23, 2009 · Dr. Jeremiah and Dr. Begg are fine preachers and great authors. If you have the chance to buy any of their books than do so. Dr. Jeremiah's book on prophecy is worth its price in gold.
Which Bible do famous preachers use today? - Baptist Christian …
Oct 23, 2013 · i was wondering which bible are the famous tv preachers using today Pastors like Osteen, Haggee, etc what im trying to see is which bible (publisher, edition, model, etc) is the one most preferred by todays famous preachers. thank you
David Jeremiah and the Charismatic Movement - Baptist Christian …
May 30, 2013 · Someone on FB says that David Jeremiah is a false teacher because he appeared once on some Praise a thon on TBN and his book "Life Wide Open" has some bad quotes. I replied for any hard evidence in his other books including Invasion of other gods of any false teachings, and all I got was a dead...
Best & Worst Preacher's You've Listened To
May 31, 2013 · So Charles Spurgeon was one of the worst preachers you've heard of? George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards were bad preachers?? William Carey was a bad preacher? Wow. When I was an all-out full fledged five point Arminian and I had better sense than that!!! What kind of redneck, isolated, backwards soul would think some of history's finest preachers …
NKJV The Jeremiah Study Bible, any takers? - Baptist Christian …
Oct 22, 2013 · I prefer a bible and a couple of reliable commentaries. But I wouldn’t mind reading David Jeremiah’s notes. I like John MacArthur but find his study bible a little (at least) presumptuous at times. That said, I do like reading his interpretations (although, like Jeremiah, MacArthur is far from a reliable source for exegesis).
Best & Worst Preacher's You've Listened To
May 31, 2013 · Best Preachers Charles Stanley Andy Stanley Ravi Zacharias David Jeremiah Charles Swindoll
Would Billy Graham/Charles Stanley be MOST Famous Arminian …
Jul 18, 2011 · One can still be considered an Arminian even if they inconsistently hold to "eternal security" which is a watered-down form of the Calvinistic 5th point. The Remonstrants weren't very decisive on their fifth point. Stanley is as Arminian as Norman Geisler. Both strong Arminians. I would classify Swindoll and David Jeremiah as wavering Calvinists.
David Jeremiah - Baptist Christian Forums
Sep 14, 2015 · David Jeremiah Discussion in ' Baptist Theology & Bible Study ' started by evangelist6589, Sep 14, 2015.
Charles Stanley and Calvinism - Baptist Christian Forums
Mar 6, 2008 · I believe there were a few posters on these boards who were determined in their assertion that Charles Stanley is a Calvinist. Well folks, I now have solid proof that he is not a Calvinist. I knew he was not a Calvinist because of his teachings but now, as if …
Use of the NKJV? | Baptist Christian Forums
Apr 18, 2003 · The NKJV Wide Margin in leather is an excellent edition of the NKJV. It has a small font size though. I rather like the NKJV. I know there are arguments against it, but I enjoy it as a devotional Bible (especially in the Psalms) and to compare with other translations. As far as who uses it, I've noticed David Jeremiah and Lloyd Ogilvie use it ...