Bosnia and Herzegovina - Ethnicity, Religion, Cuisine | Britannica
Mar 19, 2025 · Diverse European and Turkish influences are felt in the cultural life of Bosnia and Herzegovina. There are considerable variations between traditional and modern and between rural and urban culture as well. Family ties are strong, and friendship and neighbourhood networks are well developed.
Culture of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Wikipedia
The culture of Bosnia and Herzegovina encompasses the country's ancient heritage, architecture, science, literature, visual arts, music, cinema, sports and cuisine. Kulin Ban 's plate found in Biskupići, near Visoko.
The Culture Of Bosnia And Herzegovina - WorldAtlas
Dec 17, 2018 · The Southeastern European nation of Bosnia and Herzegovina hosts a population of around 3,849,891 individuals. 50.1% of the population of the country is represented by the ethnic Bosniaks. Serbs and Croats are the largest ethnic minorities in the country.
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Culture, Facts & Travel - CountryReports
3 days ago · What is Bosnia and Herzegovina famous for? Cultural Attributes: Bosnians are regarded as friendly, warm, and outgoing. They enjoy merak (a relaxed pace of life). Each major group emphasizes... More. Family: A rural household typically consists of grandparents, parents, and two or more children. The grandfather or father has a dominant... More.
Bosnian - Core Concepts — Cultural Atlas
Bosnia and Herzegovina (also known in short as “Bosnia”) is a Balkan nation bordering Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro. The country’s name refers to the two regions of the country; the northern part of the country is ‘Bosnia’ while ‘Herzegovina’ refers to the smaller southern portion.
Culture of Bosnia and Herzegovina - history, people, clothing ...
Although cultural variations in Bosnia and Herzegovina are minimal, cultural identity is currently extremely divisive. The three main groups are Muslims (Bosniacs), Serbs, and Croats. Before the recent civil war, many areas of the country had mixed populations; now the population has become much more homogeneous in most regions.
The Ultimate Guide to Bosnian Culture - Nomad Not Mad
Mar 15, 2023 · People living in Bosnia and Herzegovina have been influenced, over the years, by the Ottoman Empire, the Austro-Hungarian empire and more recently, the former Yugoslavia. All this resulted in a fantastic bled of traditions and a unique, amazing culture.
Explore the Culture of Bosnia and Herzegovina - AFS-USA
The culture of Bosnia offers a mix of influences that blend the East and West in architecture, cuisine, languages, and religions. Bosnia and Herzegovina are home to beautiful towering mountains—the site of the 1984 Winter Olympics—forests, historical fortresses, monasteries, and …
People of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Encyclopedia Britannica
Mar 19, 2025 · Bosnia and Herzegovina is home to members of numerous ethnic groups. The three largest are the Bosniaks, the Serbs, and the Croats.
Bosnia and Herzegovina — Cultural Atlas
Learn about the religious make-up of society and how religion influences daily life and culture