What is the best cleaner for aluminum - iboats Boating Forums
Aug 16, 2010 · Re: What is the best cleaner for aluminum well if it is not a polished surface. i use the spray that you get for aluminum wheels. it is the cleaner for unpolished wheels. this stuff is nasty and will eat the black corrosion off the bottom of the hull. if its real bad i use a plastic scuff bad found at lick napa. this stuff works for unpolished ...
How to clean or remove oxidation from aluminum boat
Jul 14, 2014 · Zep-A-Lume is a premium aluminum cleaner and brightener. This item must ship by truck Since this is HIGHLY acidic I'd recommend that you wash her down thoroughly afterwards with a warm water solution of Arm and Hammer soda water. 5 cups of Soda in 5 gallons of warm water. This will neutralize the acid in the Zep A-Lume product.
Cleaning Aluminum | Boating Forum - iboats Boating Forums
May 26, 2005 · Re: Cleaning Aluminum Here's a recipe for a homemade aluminum cleaner. There are also commercial products available, but a little elbow grease is going to be needed as well:<br /><br />1/4 cup cream of tartar<br />1/4 cup vinegar<br />1/4 cup baking soda<br />2 tablespoons soap flakes<br /><br />Mix cream of tartar and baking soda together.
Need tips on cleaning/polishing my aluminum bass tracker..
Sep 16, 2009 · Mothers is one of the best. There are multiple aluminum cleaners on the market today. On some aluminum wheels that were really bad I used an industrial strength aluminum siding cleaner and power washer prior to buffing them. I personally use Wenol and Mothers Mag wheel cleaner on my aluminum car parts and the buffing wheel on the work table.
Aluminum Brightener | Boating Forum - iboats Boating Forums
Feb 26, 2016 · pink stuff A/C coil cleaner. spray it on, wait until the color just starts to turn, then rinse off then use shark hide to protect the aluminum. just dont get it on your skin
Cleaning:. Does Napa Aluminium brightener remove rust stains?
Jun 27, 2022 · Does Napa Aluminum Brightener remove rust stains. Back Trailering. View All; Tires, Rims, & Hub Kits
Napa Aluminum Brightener - iboats Boating Forums
Oct 24, 2013 · Re: Napa Aluminum Brightener Thank you everyone for their input! It was a balmy 46 degrees out today and I did the aluminum brightener. For any future people with the same question I had It is not needed to dilute the acid, I used it full strength and 1 gallon was exactly enough to do the inside and exterior of a 13ft, closed bow, runabout. If ...
Best Way to clean up an old aluminum canoe - Boating Forum
Jan 13, 2017 · Napa sells an aluminum brightener that truckers use on their diesel tanks. But all the brighteners clean the aluminum amd leave it in a hazy weathered (oxidized) aluminum grey, not what some think of when they think of bare aluminum. Its not shiny, not even close. It can be a good place to start polishing it to shiny if thats what you want.
preparing bare aluminum for paint - iboats Boating Forums
Jan 23, 2011 · Re: preparing bare aluminum for paint You are over thinking this one. Yes the vinegar is an acid and should be applied to the fresh bare aluminum as a wash. It will do a sufficient job if alodine or alumaprep is not avaialable but IMO that is where the replacement stops..... then ZC primer.
CLR & Aluminum | Boating Forum - iboats Boating Forums
Jun 21, 2009 · Go to any air conditioning supply house & askd for a gallon Klean Brite Coil Cleaner in the PINK bottle. Mix it as described, USE GOOD RUBBER gloves & you will be amazed with the results. Wet the aluminum down first with water, work an area about 4 ft long, spray it on, let it FOAM UP & then wash it off with a water hose.