Baidu AI Cloud-Infinite Possibilities
Baidu AI Cloud focuses on cloud computing, big data, and AI services, providing stable cloud servers, cloud hosts, cloud storage, CDN, domain name registration, Internet of Things and other cloud services, supporting API docking, fast recording and other professional solutions.
Baidu Cloud Compute (BCC)-Baidu AI Cloud
Baidu Cloud Compute (BCC) is a cloud computing service based on virtualization, distributed cluster and other technologies accumulated by Baidu over the years. BCC supports elastic scaling, minute-level rich and flexible billing mode, with image, cloud security and other value-added services, to provide you with a high-performance cloud server ...
百度智能云对象存储BOS(Baidu Object Storage)是一款稳定、安全、高效、高可拓展的云存储服务,支持标准、低频、冷和归档存储等多种存储类型满足多场景的存储需求。用户可以将任意数量和形式的非结构化数据存入BOS,并对数据进行管理和处理。
企业级一站式大模型与ai原生应用开发及服务平台,百度智能云千帆大模型平台提供最全面易用的生成式人工智能模型开发 ...
UserGuide - Register account | Baidu AI Cloud Docs
Dec 24, 2021 · After the activation is completed, the login account (Baidu account or Baidu Business Account) is uniquely bound to the Baidu AI Cloud account, and this binding result will continue until the end of life cycle of the Baidu AI Cloud account, except for account binding changes due to subsequent scenarios such as separation of company personnel.
Machine Learning (BML)-Baidu AI Cloud
The Baidu AI Cloud AI development platform BML is an end-to-end AI development and deployment platform. Based on the BML, users can accomplish the one-stop data pre-processing, model training and evaluation, service deployment, and other works. The platform provides a high-performance cluster training environment, massive algorithm frameworks ...
物联网核心套件 IoT Core - 百度智能云
百度 Apollo. 百度 Apollo 是百度发布的自动驾驶计划,包括开放平台及企业版解决方案。物联网核心套件支撑其车路协同、自主泊车、萝卜快跑、5G 云代驾等多个业务的车辆连接及数据传输基座,为车辆与云端构建安全、可靠、超低延时的双向数据通道。