What do all capital letters typically refer to in writing?
All caps are typically used for either of two reasons: Visual Style. Capital letters are often used on covers of magazines, in logos and artsy-typography, usually to emphasise the visual style of …
capitalization - Is it proper to use all caps for an organization …
Mar 3, 2018 · Not using all caps when proper and practical would not be responsible. The example you use is not of a name, but a logo. In any Common Law Court it would be an …
When did all-caps formatting come to indicate shouting?
Oct 29, 2017 · Acknowledging that all caps can mean shouting is a far cry from interpreting all caps as indicating shouting in every instance. For example, the vast majority of cartoons in …
Proper capitalization of commonly used acronyms and initialisms
Use all capitals if an abbreviation is pronounced as the individual letters: BBC, VAT, etc; if it is an acronym (pronounced as a word) spell out with initial capital, eg Nasa, Nato, unless it can be …
meaning in context - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Using all caps in text is a common convention indicating that the writer should be envisioned as shouting, or speaking in a louder than normal voice. As such, the connotation is slightly …
capitalization - Which words in a title should be capitalized ...
Aug 25, 2013 · It's all a matter of style and consistency. Some choose to capitalize only the first word, e.g. (using your example) The title of this question. Others capitalize the key parts of …
Is it CoViD? Or COVID? Covid? How should the word be spelled?
Mar 24, 2020 · The Chicago Manual of Style, sixteenth edition (2010) seems even less inclined than Oxford to endorse length-based all-caps versus initial-cap-only decisions: 10.6 Capitals …
Should a note be addressed with "Hi all" or "Hi All"?
Jul 8, 2014 · So starting off a letter use "Dear all," or "Hi, all." Note that "Hi, all." is a complete sentence ending with a period. Now to capitalize "all" or not. Stylistically, it has been common …
When does an acronym lose its capitalization, e.g. RaDAR 'radar'?
The OED traces LOL to 1989 and the jargon file from 1990 both list LOL as an all-caps initialism. In fact, the Oxford English Dictionary made headlines when it added LOL as an entry in 2011. …
Capitalization for email greeting: Good morning OR Good Morning
Jul 10, 2015 · 1. If you search Google images for "good morning" you will discover that the following occur on greetings cards: