Salzburg - City of Culture : salzburg.info
Your official guide to Salzburg UNESCO World Heritage - Mozart - Salzburg Festival - The Sound of Music - Advent & Silent Night: That's Salzburg!
Top 10 Tourist Attractions : Sightseeing - salzburg.info
Dec 24, 2024 · Hohensalzburg Fortress, the Mozart museums, the Getreidegasse and Hellbrunn Palace are among Salzburg’s most popular locations. A visit to our Top 10 provides an ideal overview of this UNESCO World Heritage-listed city...
Salzburg Card : Salzburg all-inclusive offer
With the Salzburg Card and its many benefits, you have a great way to discover the City of Mozart easily and conveniently. Free admission to tourist attractions and museums, free use of public transportation and many additional discounts make your …
UNESCO World Heritage List : This is Salzburg : salzburg.info
World Heritage-Listed Salzburg – of outstanding value to humanity. Salzburg isn’t just rich in sightseeing attractions. This city on the River Salzach looks back on a long history as a metropolis of the arts and culture.
This is Salzburg : Stage of the World : salzburg.info
Salzburg is the city where W. A. Mozart was born and the shooting location for "The Sound of Music". The narrow lanes and broad squares of this baroque city have taken their deserved place on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
60th anniversary The Sound of Music : B2B : salzburg.info
'The Sound of Music' is based on the true story of the von Trapp family from Salzburg. In addition to Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer, Salzburg itself plays a leading role in the film, which won five Academy Awards.
festival opening 2025 - salzburg.info
Here you will find your ideal accommodations, sightseeing tours of Salzburg, special events and tickets, along with all the benefits of the Salzburg Card.
Co stojí za to vidět v Salcburku a okolí : salzburg.info
Summerpanorama Mönchsberg | © Tourismus Salzburg GmbH / Günter Breitegger Co stojí za to v Salcburku vidět Zámky, parky, muzea, kostely a příroda – krása Salcburku má mnoho podob.
Sound of Music Salzburg – Einblick und Ausblick
Around the world, people associate Leopoldskron Palace with “The Sound of Music”. To mark the anniversary, the Salzburg Museum is showcasing a special exhibition at this iconic location, featuring exhibits about the history of the von Trapp family.
A 10 legfontosabb látnivaló : Látnivalók : salzburg.info
Hohensalzburg vára, a Mozart múzeumok, a Getreidegasse vagy Hellbrunn Salzburg legkedveltebb nevezetességei. Ha felkeresi a 10 legfontosabb látnivalót, ideális képet kaphat az UNESCO Világörökségének részévé nyilvánított városról...