New Hanover County saw a significant percent increase in students taking advantage of the North Carolina legislature’s ...
The Texas House Committee on Public Education is considering a bill this week that would increase funding for public schools.
The TSSAA Legislative Council approved a proposal Monday to allow Tennessee high school athletes one free transfer if the move is unrelated to athletics.
Iowa taxpayers provided about $104 million last school year directly to parents choosing to send their K-12 children to ...
The Public School Forum of North Carolina recently issued its top priorities for the General Assembly to improve the state's ...
Gov. Mike DeWine's budget proposal, which expands school vouchers while reducing public school funding, calls into question the future of education and the state's responsibility to provide quality ...
Idaho has enacted a school choice bill that would allow parents to use public funds to send their kids to private schools.
“The Senate version of this voucher bill and the House version of the voucher bill look very, very different. So, anybody ...
Louisiana's new LA GATOR program offers eligible families tax-funded scholarships to pay for private education. Erin Bendily, ...
Ohio House Speaker Matt Huffman, a Lima Republican, ardently supports vouchers, as does Gov. Mike DeWine. That suggests that the misspending (to use a polite word) of taxpayers’ money that should go ...
The legislature’s dawdling over real-estate taxes, while lavishing Ohioans’ state tax payments on private schools, virtually invites a voter-signature-initiated ballot issue that’d slam a meat-axe ...
This weekend, Little’s office issued its totals, showing that among more than 37,000 residents, over 86% asked that the ...