“Landman” is co-created and executive produced by Sheridan and Christian Wallace, who wrote and hosted the Texas Monthly’s ...
Ainsley Norris, played by Randolph, is the daughter of Thornton’s character, Tommy, and is a strong-willed individual who ...
Ainsley Norris, played by Randolph, is the daughter of Thornton’s character, Tommy, and is a strong-willed individual who regularly makes her feelings heard. The 27-year-old grew up in ...
Considering just how popular the Yellowstone franchise is, you might be shocked to learn that Taylor Sheridan’s newest series ...
An oil company fixer aka a landman by trade, Tommy pulls his pickup over to look at the boyfriend photo Angela holds up ...
Every week watching this show set deep in the heart of Texas oil country, I come away feeling like I’ve been slapped. If this ...
Around 47 minutes in, Tommy (Thornton) gets home with Whataburger for his daughter Ainsley (Michelle Randolph). The episode kicks off with Tommy Norris (Billy Bob Thornton) picking up his ex-wife ...
For those still reeling from Taylor Sheridan’s newest show, we can all agree there’s one dynamic Landman Season 2 should leave behind.