Visitors can stay at The Brick Hotel starting at less than $250 a night for two people, within walking distance to ... just a couple blocks away on Ala Wai Boulevard, you'll find much less ...
There is really no argument against the need for a pedestrian bridge route across the Ala Wai Canal, especially for emergency ...
KHON2 signed up, prepared and participated in the 41st annual Great Aloha run and we can confirm it’s ke kukini me ke ...
ALA provides over $300,000 annually toward accredited masters degree programs in library study. Use the drop-downs below to filter by library specialty and other eligibility criteria, or browse all of ...
An annual scholarship of $2,500 that funds services or accommodation for a library school student(s) with disabilities admitted to an ALA-accredited library school. The scholarship will fund services ...
Wednesday’s Insider Report: Director invests nearly $500,000 in this airline stock ...