Utahns 18 years old and up could soon be allowed to openly carry firearms after a bill cleared its first legislative hurdle ...
Current Utah law states that to open carry, people must be 21 or over. A proposed bill would lower the open carry age to 18.
USCCA Chairman and Co-Founder Tim Schmidt added: “Byrna is a leader in the less-lethal market, and we are proud to showcase their products to our members as an important self-defense option. We look ...
A Richmond felon who tried to hide a firearm in the pants of his 6-year-old nephew was found guilty of being in possession of ...
This week's letters address proposals in the Missouri legislature to allow concealed guns on buses and a call for MSU to end DEI programs.
Bills are again being introduced in the Missouri House of Representatives and the Missouri Senate that would allow individuals with concealed-carry permits to carry firearms on public transit buses, ...
Absent a clear, consistent standard, responsible gun owners could face prosecution, fines, and even significant jail time for ...
The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office released videos Tuesday showing the dramatic moments when a Jacksonville man was shot in the leg during a December traffic stop.