The howling of wind and pounding of hooves, the battle cries and clinking of cold glistening sword, the solemn chanting of ...
Archaeological discoveries have confirmed the importance of Dongguan as the "first gateway to Guangdong province" in the ...
The pempek restaurants in the Plaju neighborood were full to the gills in early March. Palembang chefs pulverized mudfish caught from the Musi River into subtle variations of the historic city’s ...
On the 'Golden Eagle' train in Central Asia, writer Maggie Shipstead follows the historic Silk Road and witnesses, in some ...
CNAS has undertaken a major research project that will produce in-depth case studies of four diverse and geostrategically ...
We are experts in social justice, environmental change, and urban sustainability. A world-leading School of Geography and Planning, our work addresses humanity’s greatest challenges. Study with us and ...
"May the road rise to meet you" is an Irish blessing that has been passed down through generations. It is a traditional way of wishing someone good luck and fortune on their journey through life.
Dear Urban Diplomat, For years, my friends and I have been talking about doing a blowout road trip across Canada. It’s finally happening, and our group chat has been buzzing with mentions of ...
The modern world’s pet cats are products of a long process of domestication and trade. It began some 10,000 years ago in modern-day Turkey, when Anatolians tamed and befriended Near Eastern wildcats.
The Americans had developed a coterie of systems to enhance their capabilities. Notably, the United States military embraced the helicopter as a key platform for warfare. Arising during the Korean ...
Denial does not equate to dominance. In Brandon Weichert’s recent article in this publication, he argues that the United States has potentially “already lost the First Island Chain” due to ...