The four Fionas of the Manistee Middle High School theater program's production of "Shrek the Musical," Avah DeBoni (left), Natalie Cameron, Sophia Shobe and Elizabeth Sutton, stand in the tower March ...
Set in a mythical “once upon a time” sort of land, Shrek the Musical is the story of a hulking green ogre who, after being mocked and feared his entire life by anything that crosses his path ...
Beachwood High School and Middle School students will perform "Shrek The Musical" March 7-9 at the high school, 25100 Fairmount Blvd.
The Beachwood High School’s Bison Theater program will present “Shrek The Musical,” from March 7 to March 9 at the Beachwood ...
Based on the Oscar-winning smash hit film, the Whitefish Theatre Co. is presenting “Shrek The Musical” over three weekends. The show by David Lindsay-Abaire and Jeanine Tesori has ...