Meytal Cohen pays tribute to Neil Peart with a drum cover of Rush’s ‘Limelight’ in honor of ‘R50,’ a career-spanning ...
Solstice for Embodiment, Daydream Twins’ sophomore album, unfolds like a fuzzy memory. It blurs the lines between lust and ...
The show will include Emerson and Lake in a video big screen playing along with a real-life Carl Palmer behind the drums.
The promises are big, and so is the price. For Rs 29,999, the Monitor III's land up in the comfort zone of Sony, Bose, and ...
KR-55C is a software version of Korg's "Rhythm 55" KR-55A and KR-55B, heard on Jackson's 1982 hit Steppin' Out ...
The gear you choose to play for your band’s unique rock sound is important. The tone and atmosphere that make your music unique comes from each ...
Rather than fretboard wizardry, he’s mostly playing sturdy ostinatos, and instead of Souleymane Ibrahim’s trademark 3/4 drum pattern, the drums approximate the clatter of the traditional tende ...
Rick was a good guy and a great drummer whose innovative drum patterns helped shape our songs. "I'm glad we had the chance to work together as much as we did. My thoughts are with Leslie and his ...
Gone are the quiet luxury days and it is officially time to bust out those layers, patterns and textures. If wearing more and experimenting with combinations that feel lively and unique is up your ...
Hundreds of games of Rock-Paper-Scissors were played at Zhejiang University in China to uncover a pattern, which could be exploited Players on a winning streak tended to stick with a particular ...