QR codes are everywhere! You see them on product packages, restaurant menus, movie tickets, and even in classrooms. But have ...
What was invented for labeling automobile parts has become one of the essential things of the modern world. The importance of ...
The QR code (short for Quick Response code) was invented in 1994 by Denso Wave, a former subsidiary of Toyota, as a means of efficiently tracking vehicles and parts during the manufacturing process.
This week we have an FBI warning about phone scams targeting Android and iPhone users alike. If you don’t know what a QR code is, it is a square block made up of much smaller pixels, each filling up ...
QR Codes are a two-dimensional type of matrix barcode that are used for a variety of uses. They’re one way of turning a long piece of string data into an easily machine-readable format.
QR stands for “quick response.” In 1992, the predecessor of what became auto parts giant Denso Corp. embarked on research into a novel two-dimensional code capable of storing information both ...
Every baby food product packaged in jars, pouches, tubs and boxes sold in California must carry a QR code on its label that consumers can scan to check the most recent heavy metal readings, although ...