To read Shukla is to read not a version of what is already known, but what is constantly being inscribed in and erased from ...
There’s a lot going on in the poetry community right now. My Santa Barbara Independent colleague, George Yatchisin, will ...
According to Norse myth, Skadi first visited Asgard, the home of the gods, to seek revenge. A giantess, she went armed for ...
BYU professor of English Lance Larsen has been writing poetry for four decades. His poems are regularly published in leading ...
In his latest book, Peter Kirkpatrick retrieves from Australian cultural history the compelling figure of the “ wild reciter ...
To celebrate National Poetry Month, the Finger Lakes Art Council is promoting three poetry-themed events in April that are in ...
Poet Katie Berta will read her poetry at UNK next week. She shared that she always considered herself to be a writer even as ...
That's because the upper room is the meeting place of the Duluth Failed Poets Society from 6-8 p.m. Mondays. If you didn't ...
The department of Hindi and the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Jawaharlal Nehru College, Pasighat, in ...
The two writers, currently on a joint book tour through the Bay Area, sat down with The Daily Californian in San Francisco’s ...
Berta, who calls Phoenix, Arizona, home, will stop in Kearney to share her work at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Discovery Hall on the ...
The festival will feature panels and discussions from poets Victoria Chang, Carl Phillips and Christian Wiman, student-made ...