Terbaru, netizen dibuat geleng-geleng dan elus dada melihat unggahan foto menu makan siang di salah ... Makan Bergizi Gratis diketahui merupakan program unggulan pemerintah Prabowo dan Gibran ...
Dari keterangan saksi, mereka mendengar lima kali suara tembakan. Hasil olah TKP, polisi juga menemukan beberapa selongsong ...
resident Prabowo Subianto has reaped a high acceptance rate in the first 100 days of his government, giving him the head start that he needs to navigate the country through rough waves in the next ...
“Ucapan terima kasih juga saya sampaikan juga kepada Presiden Prabowo Subianto yang sudah ... Bung Karno,” kata Megawati sambil menepuk dada dan terisak. Tak lupa, dirinya juga menyampaikan ...
family-run bookstore in downtown New Delhi has gained newfound fame among Indonesians after President Prabowo Subianto visited the 71-year-old establishment late last week. The President was on a ...
Presiden Prabowo Subianto menerima penganugerahan Darjah Kerabat Johor Yang Amat Dihormati Pangkat Pertama (DK I Johor) oleh ...
new survey released by pollster Indikator Politik Indonesia on Monday showed that a large majority of Indonesians approve of President Prabowo Subianto’s first few months in office, largely due ...
early three decades after the fall of Indonesia's authoritarian leader Soeharto, the nation's new president is causing unease among liberals and others by increasingly turning to the once-all ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi had invited Prabowo to attend India’s Republic Day celebrations on January 26 as the chief guest, Indian media reported. New Delhi has not responded to the reports ...
resident Prabowo Subianto has called on the country’s security forces to remain committed to upholding the law and protecting the public, amid a growing number of fatal incidents involving ...
resident Prabowo Subianto sent a flower arrangement to Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) chair Megawati Soekarnoputri on her birthday on Thursday, but did not attend her birthday ...
resident Prabowo Subianto’s leadership style, with his knack for powerful speeches and fondness for the military, has set him apart from his predecessor Joko “Jokowi” Widodo in his first 100 ...