In the intricate science of reproduction, the creation of offspring has long relied on the union of sperm and eggs, whether ...
By modifying 20 regions of the genome, scientists successfully bred mice with two male parents and raised them to maturity.
A gene-edited mouse with two male parents has survived to adulthood, pushing new progress on stem cell research.
Fathers exposed to high stress in childhood had different epigenetic markers that may affect their offspring, though more research is needed.
Primates practice different mating styles but empowered females help create harmonious families. Humans could learn from them ...
Heroes, Warriors, and Martyrs—may be biologically imprinted in our DNA. Science, psychology, and epigenetics reveal the roots ...
THIS is the terrifying moment hundreds of spiders appear to “rain down” from the sky. Hundreds of eight-legged crawlers ...
The idea of same-sex biological reproduction in mammals has long been thought impossible, like trying to build a house with ...
HFEA held a meeting last week and announced that scientists are close to growing human eggs and sperm in a lab.
Pregnancy is accompanied by profound changes in the body. Among other things, these affect the energy metabolism and the ...
Earlier attempts using ovarian organoids have failed to produce a viable bi-paternal mouse due to abnormalities in the ...
Bumblebees with pesticide exposure experience hormetic stress responses with impacts on future generations and reproduction.