On Friday, a federal judge granted WhatsApp’s motion for summary judgement, marking a major legal victory against NSO Group, which had so far evaded liability for its actions in other cases.
Messaging service WhatsApp claimed a major legal victory over Israeli spyware firm NSO Group on Friday after a federal judge ruled that NSO was liable under federal and California law for a 2019 ...
The Meta messaging app was breached by the spyware maker, which was accused of putting Pegasus monitoring software on users' mobile devices.
A controversial Israeli spyware maker has been found liable for the compromise of hundreds of WhatsApp users, in a historic US court ruling. Judge Phyllis Hamilton ...
the San Francisco-based 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals called it an "easy case" because NSO's mere licensing of Pegasus and offering technical support did not shield it from liability under a ...
The NSO Group, Israel’s darling of malware infection and surveillance for the global security market, was the brainchild of ...