The Lion King,” a live-action/photo-realistic CGI prequel to “The Lion King” that follows the origin story of Mufasa, Simba’s ...
Mufasa: The Lion King reveals an all-new superpower for Mufasa, creating a massive plot hole within the story of the original ...
The Lion King" may seem straightforward, but there are still small details that may have escaped your attention the first ...
Before Simba, there was Mufasa, and his and Scar’s story gets told in Disney’s prequel film Mufasa: The Lion King following the 2019 live-action version of the beloved animated 1994 classic.
Mufasa: The Lion King has been released worldwide, giving an insight into the life of a king, who was an outsider and tagged as 'awara' but was the most deserving one to claim the throne.
Disney’s commercial crusade to remake, rebadge or simply remix all the IP sitting on its books continues here in solid, if slightly sterile fashion with Mufasa: The Lion King. This new effort is ...
The Lion King,” I eagerly watched every trailer posted on YouTube. I was excited to finally examine Disney's revelation of ...