For Career-Technical Education Month and Black History Month, Sherwood Middle School students use AI to create superhero ...
Manchester school officials say traffic and parking changes at Hillside Middle School will go into effect when students and ...
District officials did not provide any details on the student's condition, but did say they were taken to a local hospital.
Regarding the $4 million gap, Business Admin. Imani Moody said, "We have a conviction across all of the constituencies here ...
A Plainfield student was hit by a vehicle while walking to school early Friday morning, and was taken to a hospital for ...
Authorities said Matthew Serwedes, 48, of Hillsborough, is currently employed as a middle school teacher in Clark.
The Napa City Council will discuss purchasing the vacant Harvest Middle School campus from the Napa Valley Unified School ...
LOGAN — Construction is ahead of schedule for two new middle schools in Cache Valley, according to Facilities Director Bruce ...