Synopsis: The film focuses on Mufasa’s (voiced by Pierre) childhood and the origins of the Pride Lands. As a young and lost cub, Mufasa meets the sympathetic lion Taka (voiced by Harrison). Together, ...
Mufasa: The Lion King told a powerful story, but its own characters acknowledged that other stories, like Simba's Pride, ...
But there's no denying that the 1994 movie The Lion King is one of the most iconic films, telling the story of lion cub Simba ...
I'm of two minds on "Mufasa: The Lion King", and I ultimately feel it's a failed premise.
The Lion King' is in theaters now. Here's when we can expect 'The Lion King' prequel to be streaming on Disney+.
The original Lion King is emotional for many people thanks to the tragic scene in which young Simba ( Jonathan Taylor Thomas) witnesses his father, Mufasa ( James Earl Jones ), fall into a stampede ...
Fọlákẹ́ Olówófôyekù is just like Us when it comes to watching the heartbreaking death of Mufasa in 1994’s The Lion King.
Screenwriter Jeff Nathanson breaks down how 'Mufasa,' now in theaters, connects back to original 'Lion King' saga.
Le Monde took a behind-the-scenes look at the Théatre Mogador in Paris, which is now in its seventh season of performing 'The ...
A fantasy drama film is about Jumbo, an elephant who has the capability to fly with his huge ears, about which everyone makes ...
Supposed to be a prequel and sequel, like The Godfather II, Mufasa opens with the lion king, Simba (Donald Glover ... of Simba’s victory over his uncle Scar — which ends with the two eating ...
Mufasa The Lion King Hindi movie review – Barry Jenkins tells the story of four generations, with the focus on the titular character, voiced by Shah Rukh Khan. Mufasa The Lion King Hindi movie ...