The Scottish Greens have urged ministers to intervene to protect tenants’ rights as rent control measures are expected to end next month.
Solar power developments could help Scotland achieve a big increase in renewable energy generation and create valuable jobs supporters reckon.
Lancashire could be on course to elect a county-wide mayor within 18 months – if it decides it wants one at all.
Despite his good standing with voters, Swinney has to start delivering on the issues that matter most to voters, says Record View.
Just three months into power, Labour pulled off what it billed as a diplomatic coup: ending a long-running dispute over the status of the Chagos Islands, one of Britain’s final imperial possessions, ...
Conservative leader Kemi Badenoch and Reform leader Nigel Farage have both ruled out any merger between their parties. A ...
Author Douglas Murray has hit out at the UK Labour Party over its “inept manner” in governing the country. “It’s an ...
The government has announced plans to make it easier to build mini nuclear power stations in England and Wales, as part of ...
What would I think as a Christian if someone burnt a copy of the Bible outside Westminster Abbey? I would be horrified and ...
U.K. Prime Minister Keir Starmer wants controversial oil and gas fields in the North Sea being developed by Shell and Equinor to move forward.
I didn’t leave Labour. Labour left us,” is a common sentiment in working-class communities across Britain. Member of ...
Tesla Inc.’s sales plummeted 59% last month in Germany, where Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk asserted himself in national ...