The joyful news was shared by Queen Rania herself through a heartfelt Instagram post. In the photo, Princess Iman and her Greek-born husband, Dimitris (Jameel) Alexander Thermiótis, pose on a beach at ...
On Friday, Jan. 24, Queen Rania took to Instagram to share the news that her daughter, Princess Iman, 28, and her son-in-law ...
Before ringing in 2025, Queen Rania of Jordan released ... a special one for the royal family because it saw the arrival of a new member. Queen Rania and King Abdullah became first-time ...
Congratulations are in order for the Jordanian royal family as Queen Rania took to Instagram on Friday to announce her ...
Miraj!On Monday, January 27, the Jordanian monarch took to the official Instagram handle of the Jordan Royal Family where he ...
To say that Abdullah ibn Al-Hussein comes from a prestigious family would be one heck of an understatement. The current ruler of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Abdullah II comes from the house ...
Jordan's King Abdullah II, a key player in the Middle East crisis, arrived in Windsor today at the start of a high-security state visit to Britain. Accompanied by his Palestinian wife Queen Rania ...
Jordan's King Abdullah faces a combination of rising external ... of a bridge or tunnel that kills members of an East Bank family, attributed to shoddy construction linked to corruption; or ...
President Trump said he had spoken to Jordan’s leader and planned to call Egypt’s. Mr. Trump’s suggestion echoes proposals from far-right Israelis. A Hamas official rejected the idea.