The animated series introduces a branched timeline, reimagining Peter Parker’s origin while weaving in key MCU references.
The latest Marvel Animation effort hones in on a new version of the web-slinger albeit without spending too much time recounting familiar events.
Disclaimer: There may be spoilers ahead. The 2020s have been a decade marked by numerous challenges, many of which have cast a shadow over recent years. One of the decade’s most significant events — ...
The specifics of Spider-Man’s origin story always differ slightly, but usually the basics remain the same. Peter is on a class trip to a scientific facility when he encounters an escaped radioactive ...
The wall-crawler's latest animated outing has some fun moments and well-written characters, but ultimately shies away from ...
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man already delivers a very different take on Peter Parker than anything that has been seen ...
But the most similar origin story to the one shown in Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is actually that of Miles Morales ...
Avengers: Doomsday is coming sooner than you think, and I've found the Marvel comic you need to read first before seeing the new MCU movie.
The premiere episode of Marvel's animated Spider-Man show pinballs between being an MCU cover band and doing its own thing.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man recently premiered with the first two episodes. It presents Peter Parker's origin story, albeit in a significantly different manner.
The first episode of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man takes a drastic detour from the MCU in pretty significant ways.
The animated Disney+ series makes a bold change to Spidey’s MCU story and the result is a series that’s fun and smart with a ...