Those whose primary goal is to remove upper lip hair should try The Skinny Confidential’s Hot Shave face razor. The curved ...
Shaving can sometimes cause razor bumps, red, itchy, and inflamed spots that occur when shaved hairs grow back into the skin ...
AN ex-army officer, 19, was left bedridden for a year over a debilitating skin condition caused by a single ingrown hair.
Dylan Conway, from Queensland , Australia, had nine surgeries and spent 14 months in bed due to reoccurring pilonidal sinus ...
In the past, I’ve tried balms good and bad, with some softening the hairs on my face, and others just feeling greasy. This is the reason me (and my co-workers) wanted to test out some popular ...
Each method has its pros and cons, and the best choice depends on the time and money you’re willing to invest and how ...
Would you spend more than £1,000 having your brows done? The answer, for 99.9 per cent of us, is a resounding 'no!' But when ...
Danni Houchins was found dead in a swamp in Montana. Decades later, a friend of Danni's sister realized she'd been alone with ...
With Pamela Anderson’s signature look back in fashion, here’s how to get pencil thin arches yourself (and avoid overplucking) ...