Directed by Itsuro Kawasaki, ‘Baban Baban Ban Vampire’ is based on Hiromasa Okujima’s manga series of the same name. It centers on a 450-year-old vampire named Ranmaru Mori, who is looking for the ...
The centuries old vampire Count Dracula comes to England to seduce his barrister Jonathan Harker's fiancée Mina Murray and inflict havoc in the foreign land. A depressed musician reunites with his ...
The Vampire Chronicles is a series that revolves around the fictional character Lestat de Lioncourt, a French nobleman turned into a vampire in the 18th century.
Sky News host Paul Murray says he is hoping a new James Bond film will be released soon but only if “it’s not woke”.
Clear. Winds northeast to southeasterly 15 to 25 km/h tending southeast to southwesterly 15 to 20 km/h in the evening. Sun protection recommended from 9:00 am to 5:40 pm, UV Index predicted to reach ...