Wind Breaker follows Haruka Sakura, a tough-as-nails delinquent with a mission. He is determined to reach number one among Furin High School's students. Furin High School differs from traditional ...
Elton John, Common, Willow Smith and Riley Keough are also recognized in various categories. By Paul Grein Barbra Streisand’s My Name Is Barbra is in the running for audiobook of the year at the ...
Casey Prather underlined his status as one of the NBL’s best players as he led an understrength Bullets to a crucial win against the Breakers. Get the latest NBL news from round 15 here.
A 65-year-old man in Maharashtra's Kolhapur seemingly "came back to life" after an ambulance carrying his presumed lifeless body hit a speed breaker. The incident unfolded on December 16.
Heinemann earned a bachelor's degree from Augustana College and a medical degree from Loyola University. He operates a dental practice in Dell Rapids. [1] Incumbent Jon Hansen and Leslie J. Heinemann ...
Compiled by the Official Charts Company, the UK's biggest independently-released songs of the week yet to reach the Official Singles Chart Top 20, based on sales of downloads, CDs, vinyl and other ...
Compiled by the Official Charts Company, the UK's biggest independently-released albums of the week by an artist who has not yet reached the Top 40, based on sales of digital bundles, CDs, vinyl ...
New Schneider Electric LF3 17.5kV 2500A sulfur hexafluoride Circuit Breaker SF6 Schneider Electric LF3 17.5kV 2500A sulfur hexafluoride SF6 Circuit Breaker This is ex BHP stores inventory. 277kg 1000 ...