PARKTOWN - The police have arrested seven suspects in connection of the murder of retired journalist, Jeremy Gordin that occurred on 31 March 2023. The detectives from Gauteng Province, Johannesburg ...
Jenis atap kanopi saat ini ada beragam, pemilihan dan penggunaannya pun tidak boleh sembarangan. Sebelum membeli, kenali jenis-jenis dan harganya yang ada di pasaran, yuk! Kanopi merupakan bagian ...
Atap di rumah mulai rusak dan bocor? Sebelum melakukan perbaikan, cek dahulu perkiraan biaya renovasi atap rumah agar bujetnya lebih terkontrol, yuk. Berikut panduan lengkap mengenai cara ...
Bangladesh has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Pakistan to import atap (parboiled) rice. The MoU was signed by Sayed Rafeo Bashir Shah, Chairman of the Trading Corporation of ...
A memorandum of understanding (MoU) has been signed to import Atap rice on a government-to-government (G2G) basis from Pakistan. The Trading Corporation of Pakistan (TCP) and Bangladesh’s Directorate ...
Atap rumah spandek adalah nama lain dari jenis atap metal polos. Material ini terbuat dari campuran bahan dasar seng dan aluminium. Komposisinya sendiri berupa 55% alumunium dan 43% seng, sedangkan ...
Jeremy Gordin's murder has haunted me for days -- yet another of those horrifying and senseless incidents that force us to reconsider our beliefs, our understanding of our society, and even our values ...
Three New Partners and Two Contract Extensions Add To The Expanding Global Membership of the ATAP Program (Additional supporting quotes can be found at the end of ...
A married pair of former spies is forced to face their past when asked to surrender their son to Russian Intelligence to become a spy himself. Will he choose to betray his parents or his native ...
Jika ingin atap rumah adem, maka bisa memakai multiroof. Saat ini, banyak jenis atap rumah multiroof yang bagus untuk melindungi hunianmu. Yuk, simak ulasannya! Diketahui, multiroof termasuk jenis ...