While the live-action threequel follows Sonic Adventure 2's story beats and broad narrative brushstrokes, one of the key differences involves the character of Gerald Robotnik (Jim Carrey).
In Sonic the Hedgehog 3, a rather animalistic battle occurs between Gerald Robotnik and Ivo Robotnik ... While the hate for the movie was recognized in Sonic 3, the 2011 Green Lantern, Ryan ...
“And we had a blast. I mean, we just had a nutty time in the trailer.” While Professor Gerald Robotnik shares his grandson’s bald head and mustache look, Carrey also had to wear old age ...
He didn't just return to play Ivo Robotnik, however, but also took on another role in the form of Gerald Robotnik ... to returning again for future Sonic movies, provided he thinks the potential ...
Sonic the Hedgehog 3’ introduces Shadow (Keanu Reeves) to the Sonic films, along with Gerald Robotnik, and teases another villain for the future of the franchise.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 writers Pat Casey and Josh Miller have addressed the fate of Dr Robotnik, saying he’s “completely dead… ...
As in the first two Sonic movies, Carrey plays the role of Ivo Robotnik, the central antagonist from the Sega video games, but he also plays Gerald Robotnik, Ivo’s long lost grandfather ...
“And we had a blast. I mean, we just had a nutty time in the trailer.” While Professor Gerald Robotnik shares his grandson’s bald head and mustache look, Carrey also had to wear old age ...