Everybody needs a night out to prowl. And so ravers and cataholics alike were in catnip heaven last weekend when they ...
Farzana opened her heart to feral cats in 2015 and since then has been feeding and taking care of 20 feral colonies daily.
Throughout the neighborhood surrounding a boarded up trailer in Winlock that was recently the scene of a grisly double homicide, a colony of between 12 and 30 feral cats can be found roaming and ...
A new clinic that is part of an existing Jamestown nonprofit is offering spay and neuter services for cats and dogs, seeking ...
Mijas Council has set aside €112,000 for an annual contract to manage its wild cat colonies, in line with the Animal Welfare ...
A small but growing number of house cats have gotten sick from H5N1, the bird flu strain driving the current U.S. outbreak, after eating raw food or drinking unpasteurized milk. Though there are no ...
The colony of cats that live on Hilton Head Island Airport grounds is one step closer to eviction. A controversial policy ...
The deadly feline virus is on the rise in Portugal. Animal care volunteers should be extra vigilant with feral cat-colonies.
Marlies Sullivan, president of Neighborhood Cats Network, which she started, feeds several cat colonies around Victor on Feb.
A proposed wildlife management policy may soon relocate a feral cat colony that for years has roamed the grounds on and near ...
Chicago has been named the “rattiest” city for 10 years running, according to pest control company Orkin, and efforts to ...
The Feline Feral Fund has been quietly controlling the problem for decades, but volunteers and funds are running thin.