Langalakhe Mabena, [email protected] Celebrated multi-award-winning jazz maestro, Jeys Marabini, has praised the ...
The serene landscapes of Buhera are once again shrouded in sorrow as the community mourns the untimely death of Acting Chief ...
Acting Chief Makumbe of Buhera, born Paul Chengeta, has died. He was 30. Chengeta passed away yesterday after his vehicle, a ...
Indian River School District is heading to an operating referendum for the first time in 8 years, while the latest capital ask came in 2020. District leaders have warned of staff shake ups and ...
In late 2018, Emily Chibvongodze, CEO of the Buhera District Council, led a successful community engagement workshop. It involved relevant stakeholders, including the late local chief Murambinda ...
Today's court listings are published as part of News Corporation's commitment to public interest journalism and are compiled from information made publicly available by the courts in each state ...
Buhera Rural District Council (RDC) has suspended its head of Procurement, Torai Mudyiwa without pay or benefits after he appeared in court over alleged corruption in the procurement of a ...
In Buhera district, tragedy struck when two five-year-old children from Mudinzwa village drowned in a stream. Their bodies were later recovered by the police, adding to the growing list of fatalities.
In Buhera district, two five-year-old children from Mudinzwa village drowned in a stream. Their bodies were later recovered by the police. “In Chipinge, on February 16, 2025, 15 people were stranded ...
At least 7,7 million people were food insecure by the end of last year. Speaking to NewsDay recently, Buhera Rural District Council ward 6 agricultural extension officer Ella Gurwe said the 2024/ ...