Subalpine and boreal moorlands are ecosystems that contribute to climate stability by reducing excess carbon as well as ...
Plant behavior may seem rather boring compared with the frenetic excesses of animals. Yet the lives of our vegetable friends, ...
Plants shape Earth’s atmosphere by moving carbon and water vapour. New research sheds light on how they learned to do it – ...
In this episode of Crash Course Botany, we dive into the first few branches of plants’ phylogenetic tree—bryophytes and seedless vascular plants, like mosses and ferns. These plants are the ...
A multidisciplinary team led by researchers at the Yale School of the Environment developed a new laser-based method for observing how plants adjust the pressure within their cells in response to the ...
(gentle music) - [Miles Berkey] Mosses are among a group of plants called Bryophyta. A Bryophyte is a plant that does not have the ability to transport water through its tissues. Therefore ...
He became interested in bryophytes - mosses and liverworts - and was an acknowledged expert, with a sizeable herbarium of his own from both the British Isles and farther afield. He published widely on ...
I directly manage the Moss Herbarium which, with over 700,000 specimens, is one of the largest collections of its kind in the world and represents a critical source of biodiversity data. I have ...