Spring is in the air — which means nest-making season is upon us! For this month’s Chirp Chat, Lake Effect’s Xcaret Nuñez ...
Every year, ospreys nesting on utility poles cause power outages and fires as well killing numerous birds. Utility companies ...
Members of the public can now tune in again this year to ‘Nestflix’, two new livestreams which show pairs of Chough as they ...
Plastic waste has let common coots reuse nests year after year. Scientists have now used the trash layers to date how old nests are.
These birds prefer nesting on overhangs, covered ledges or other suitable surfaces, using mud to build their nests. If your property meets these conditions, you may find swallows returning every ...
A nature writer finds solace in the return of eastern bluebirds while battling the flu, sharing insights on their nesting ...
Spring is here and that means new life all around including nesting birds. The NestWatch project at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology invites people to monitor bird nests near you and share in the lives ...
Many of our birds are cavity nesters, that is, they nest in holes in trees and fence posts. Woodpeckers can use their strong ...