Comparative algorithms help landlords bring rentals to market more quickly and encourage more housing development.
This is a curated list of the Bay Area’s most notable and permanent restaurant and bar closures, with new updates published ...
San Jose just dethroned NYC as the most expensive U.S. city, with the Bay Area dominating the list. Living comfortably here ...
Single-family leased listings rose 7.7% year over year in February while the average lease price increased 1.4%.
Congressman Ro Khanna heard from both Democrats and Republicans, frustrated by the actions of the Trump administration.
Reflecting on her 20+ tenure with TBBJ Technology and Tampa Bay Inno Reporter Anjelica Rubin later, she told the TBBJ that ...
The Columbia Shuswap Regional District board of directors felt that a Temporary Use Permit(TUP) application for a short-term rental(STR) in Blind Bay highlighted some of the problems they have with th ...
The rent is due, but Rahmani has no money to pay it. The Afghan father of two worked for a U.S.-backed organization in Kabul, ...
The North Bay was hit with rain and winds on Sunday with more stormy weather expected this week. This comes just two days ...
A beloved community resource in Oakland's Fruitvale District, the Cesar Chavez Library, may soon face eviction over a dispute ...
For the last few years, politicians and real estate interests have pushed the narrative that people are fleeing California en ...