And only a fraction of patients have their hypertension well-controlled, meaning there’s a need for novel strategies. The ...
You can check your blood pressure at home with or without using a digital monitor. Here are the steps you need to measure ...
Breathing exercises help lower blood pressure by slowing down your breathing and stimulating the vagus nerve, which controls your heart rate. Here are the techniques to try.
Elevated blood pressure is the most important risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Numerous clinical practice guidelines ...
Much attention has been paid in recent years to life expectancy in the U.S., which remains lower than in many other industrialized nations that spend less on health care.
Many people make these common mistakes when taking blood pressure at home, experts say. A cardiologist provides tips for ...
Regular exercise strengthens the heart muscle and makes the body more efficient at pulling oxygen out of the blood. It also ...
Experiencing microaggressions based on gender and race while receiving care during pregnancy and delivery may be linked to higher blood pressure postpartum, new research suggests.
Blood pressure is the measurement of the force of an individual's blood pushing against the walls of their arteries as it is ...
The Indianapolis American Heart Association is sharing how to know when it’s time to take a break from shoveling snow. Its board president Dr. William Gill said this vigorous activity in such cold ...
Wrist blood pressure monitors tend to be lighter and therefore more portable when travelling. These models also take up less space at home. However, they're more prone to giving inaccurate readings as ...
Better health starts with one small step. Most people do not realize that cardiovascular diseases are the #1 killer of ...