IRS, Tax Refund

Starting an emergency fund with your tax refund. An emergency fund can be your safety net in unexpected situations, like a ...
The new tax season is underway, and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is already processing returns that have been submitted ...
As of Feb. 14, the IRS had received about 5% fewer individual returns compared to about the same point last season, according ...
Tax season is upon us, and most of us will end up paying something to either or both the United States government or the ...
With Trump again in the White House, the question is, is there another Charles Littlejohn out there somewhere in the deep ...
If you haven’t filed your tax return yet, you can use a tax calculator to estimate your federal refund. Gather paystubs, tax ...
Terms and rates for tax refund advance loans vary widely. For example, Intuit TurboTax does not charge interest and can ...
The IRS recently laid off thousands of employees, prompting many taxpayers to wonder, "how will this impact my tax return?" ...