Plus an update on harvest in France and a reminder to invite some friends over to celebrate Come Over October.
So why exactly are so many top French wine producers choosing to invest in American wineries? A much shorter version of this ...
A versatile food-friendly organic white blend from southern France, with a story. From €20.50, $24.99 and £27.60.
Grüner Veltliner wines from ÖTW estates, and from producers in several other regions, tasted at the annual Single Vineyard ...
Author Gus Zhu (his name is actually Jian Zhu) is the first Chinese Master of Wine. He holds an MSc in Viticulture and ...
BC-based writer Arnica Rowan heads to the other side of Canada to report on its vibrant sparkling-wine industry, and Jancis ...
An audience with the Pope ...
As Ferran claimed in Ribeira Sacra – a region in delicate balance yesterday, this dramatic landscape produces some of Spain’s ...
Will subzoning this fragile Spanish region help preserve its sheer slopes and the wines produced from them? Above, the Cabe ...