17 October, 2024The Inditex global union committee was established following provisions in the global framework agreement signed in 2019. The committee is empowered to implement the GFA, to share best ...
17 October, 2024Union leaders from 16 countries gathered in Glasgow, 15 and 16 October, at IndustriALL’s shipbuilding and shipbreaking world conference, uniting around a vision for safer, fairer, and ...
17 October, 2024Over 50 trade unionists from around the world gathered on 10 October, in Jakarta, for the IndustriALL Global Union world conference for materials industries. The conference brought ...
11 octobre, 2024Un an après son premier appel au gouvernement suisse pour qu'il exerce son devoir de vigilance en matière de droits de l'homme face à Absolute Assembly, IndustriALL Global Union ...
3 October, 2024With the closing of garment factories over the years due to a prolonged economic crisis, recruitment and organizing has been difficult for most trade unions in Zimbabwe. According to ...
11 October, 2024A year after having first called on the Swiss government to exercise human rights due diligence at Absolute Assembly, IndustriALL Global Union is reiterating the call as labour rights ...
11 octubre, 2024Durante el mes de octubre, 18 jóvenes trabajadores y trabajadoras no manuales y organizadores de 15 sindicatos de Francia, Finlandia, Japón, Filipinas, Indonesia, Alemania, Esuatini, ...
11 October, 2024During October, 18 young white-collar workers and organizers from 15 unions across France, Finland, Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Germany, Eswatini, Singapore, and Sweden convened ...
11 octobre, 2024Dans le courant du mois d’octobre, 18 jeunes cols blancs et recruteur syndicaux de 15 syndicats de France, Finlande, Japon, Philippines, Indonésie, Allemagne, Eswatini, Singapour et ...
10 October, 2024Two giant companies of the pulp and paper industry, Klabin and Suzano employ a combined approximately 75,000 people, the vast majority in Brazil. IndustriALL affiliated unions in ...
10 October, 2024The African trade union organizing and collective bargaining strategic forum was launched in Kigali, Rwanda, on 3-4 October under the slogan “Building African Workers' Power in Our ...
10 October, 2024Representatives for workers, governments and employers embraced transformative measures to reshape the future of the building materials industry, including cement, forging a ...