The 12th Special Forces Brigade of the Azov National Guard reports that Russian invaders shot three captured Ukrainian soldiers in New York, Donetsk region. Points of attention Russian soldiers ...
As the Financial Times was able to find out, Western political circles are increasingly discussing a scenario according to which Ukraine will receive guarantees to join NATO, but will refuse to ...
Ukraine was forced to start the Kursk operation According to the reserve colonel, the breakthrough of Ukrainian soldiers to Kurshchyna is a pre-emptive strike that Ukraine managed to strike, ...
According to the French leader Emmanuel Macron, there is a high probability that the European Union may disappear in the near future. Points of attention The French president is outraged by ...
A cyber attack linked to the Chinese government penetrated the networks of American telecommunications companies. Hackers may have gained access to information systems used by the federal government ...
Lithuanian customs intercepted shipments of military equipment intended for the Russian army. The trains were on their way from Kaliningrad to Moscow. Points of attention Lithuanian customs discovered ...
According to Volodymyr Degtyarev, a representative of the press service of the NGU "Chartiya" brigade, in Vovchansk, Kharkiv Oblast, Russian invaders increasingly began to use underground logistics ...
Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico began to claim that Ukraine would not become a member of NATO while he was in office. Points of attention The Prime Minister of Slovakia "announced" Ukraine new ...
The new Secretary General of NATO, Mark Rutte, has emphasized that he will do everything possible so that China stops helping Russia to wage its war of aggression against Ukraine. Points of attention ...
Дослідники з Лабораторії сильних магнітних полів Китайської академії наук встановили новий світовий рекорд, створивши ...
Президент України Володимир Зеленський подякував Сполученим Штатам Америки за оборонний пакет у сумі 400 млн дол та заявив, ...
Одіозна речниця Міністерства закордонних справ Росії Марія Захарова звинувачує владу Молдови у тому, що вони нібито підвозили ...