Leonard Schliesser is a Senior Researcher with the Risk and Resilience team at the Center for Security Studies (CSS) at ETH Zurich. His research focuses primarily on critical infrastructure security, ...
The EU’s embrace of its role as a “geopolitical actor,” and NATO’s renewed focus on deterrence and defense have had a ...
Die Schweiz erarbeitet derzeit die Sicherheitspolitische Strategie 2025. Ein wichtiger Aspekt wird das Thema der sicherheitspolitischen Kooperation sein. In offiziellen Dokumenten wie dem ...
In response to Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine, the Federal Council took a clear stance in late February 2022, condemning the breach of international law “in the strongest possible terms” ...
Dieser Cyber Defense Report untersucht alle weiteren Cyber-Operationen, die während des Krieges in der Ukraine bisher gegen den Weltraumsektor durchgeführt wurden. Der Bericht befasst sich mit den ...
„The Ukraine crisis and the future of the European security architecture formed the primary focus of the discussion at the Evening Talk on 30th of June 2015. Both Prof. Dr. Hanns Maull, Distinguihed ...
On 11 December, the CSS held an Evening Talk on the topic of “The Swiss OSCE Chairmanship 2014.” The speakers were Ambassador Heidi Grau, head of the OSCE Task Force at the Swiss Foreign Ministry, and ...
The ETH Workshop on Military Doctrines after 2014 discussed different factors that currently influence debates about military doctrines: The end of the war in Afghanistan; the conflict between the ...
The approximately 50 participants of the ETH Workshop on “Resilience in Crisis Situations” all agreed that the proliferation of the resilience concept had improved awareness of how crises and ...
UN peace missions, which include peacekeeping operations, special political missions, and good offices engagements, are the main instrument of the UN to promote peace around the world. They are ...
Die Ukraine und die Zukunft europäischer Sicherheit standen im Mittelpunkt eines Evening Talks am 30. Juni 2015. Prof. Dr. Hanns Maull von der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik und langjähriger ...