NASA has released the clearest view of Mars seen thus far, with a field of blue rocks seen on the Martian landscape on top of an ancient lake.
"Scientists have Revealed the Most Detailed 3D map of Mars ever - it's basically like Google Maps but for Mars! The map is available online now, are you going to check it out? Questions or concerns?
The northern plains of Mars, marked by thousands of mounds and hills, hold significant evidence of the planet's watery past.
Mars landscape captured by the Pathfinder lander. Image source: NASA/JPL Some interesting bits of data seem to suggest that Mars’ interior is home to a mantle plume that is far more active than ...
NASA's Curiosity rover captured largest and highest resolution panorama of the surface of Mars landscape. The panorama contains over 1,000 images that consist of 1.8 billion pixels. It was taken ...